Jesus Christ is calling...

seeking to restore the lives of those who feel alone and broken

Jesus Christ is calling...

seeking to restore the
lives of those who feel
alone and broken

Jesus Christ is calling... 
seeking to restore the lives
of those who feel alone and broken

Our Mission

At Restoration Care Ministries, we are devoted to restoring individuals back into fellowship with God and the body of believers by facilitating healing, understanding, and growth through online video courses that are grounded in biblical truth.

At our foundation , we embrace the profound concept of restoration proclaimed within the pages of the Bible—a narrative echoing redemption, restoration, and unyielding hope. From the Old Testament's whispers to the New Testament's resounding declarations, the divine desire for restoration threads throughout Scripture.

In the grand scheme of God's plan, the theme of restoration finds its ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ. His sacrificial death and triumphant resurrection extend an invitation to redemption and restoration for all who embrace faith in Him. This, indeed, forms the beating heart of the Christian faith—an assurance that, regardless of our transgressions, a path exists to restore a harmonious relationship with God through Christ.

Crucial to our mission is the understanding that our past sins and failures need not define us. In the shadow of Christ's sacrifice on the cross, we have been liberated from the chains of sin and shame. Galatians 5:1 exhorts us with perfect clarity:

"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage."

In every endeavor, we strive to embody and extend the transformative power of restoration—inviting others to experience the freedom and grace found in Christ, thereby contributing to mending broken lives.

Our Mission

At Restoration Care Ministries, we are devoted to restoring individuals back into fellowship with God and the body of believers by facilitating healing, understanding, and growth through online video courses that are grounded in biblical truth.

At our foundation , we embrace the profound concept of restoration proclaimed within the pages of the Bible—a narrative echoing redemption, restoration, and unyielding hope. From the Old Testament's whispers to the New Testament's resounding declarations, the divine desire for restoration threads throughout Scripture.

In the grand scheme of God's plan, the theme of restoration finds its ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ. His sacrificial death and triumphant resurrection extend an invitation to redemption and restoration for all who embrace faith in Him. This, indeed, forms the beating heart of the Christian faith—an assurance that, regardless of our transgressions, a path exists to restore a harmonious relationship with God through Christ.

Crucial to our mission is the understanding that our past sins and failures need not define us. In the shadow of Christ's sacrifice on the cross, we have been liberated from the chains of sin and shame. Galatians 5:1 exhorts us with perfect clarity:

"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage."

In every endeavor, we strive to embody and extend the transformative power of restoration—inviting others to experience the freedom and grace found in Christ, thereby contributing to mending broken lives.

Our Team

Dr. Paul Kingsbury

Executive Director

Steve Case


Dr. Paul Kingsbury

Executive Director

Steve Case


Dr. Don Woodard

Restoration Specialist

Dr. David Baker

Restoration Specialist

Dr. Don Woodard

Restoration Specialist

Dr. David Baker

Restoration Specialist

So, why is biblical restoration such an important topic? Because it offers hope and transformation to every person who has ever felt broken, lost, or in need of healing. It reminds us that no matter how far we may have fallen or how broken we may feel, there is always a way back to wholeness and restoration through Christ.

As stewards of this transformative message, Christians are responsible for sharing the restoration truth with the fallen . We are called to be messengers of reconciliation, vessels through which the love of Christ brings hope and healing to a broken world.

In every endeavor, we strive to embody and extend the transformative power of restoration—inviting others to experience the freedom and grace found in Christ, thereby contributing to mending broken lives.

Restoration Care Ministries offers online resources that can help you restore and rewrite your story with God. You'll learn biblical principles, powerful tools to overcome sin and addiction, as well as strategies for lasting change. We know how hard it is to fight these battles alone - so we're here to walk alongside you in this journey of healing and restoration.

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So, why is biblical restoration such an important topic? Because it offers hope and transformation to every person who has ever felt broken, lost, or in need of healing. It reminds us that no matter how far we may have fallen or how broken we may feel, there is always a way back to wholeness and restoration through Christ.

As stewards of this transformative message, Christians are responsible for sharing the restoration truth with the fallen . We are called to be messengers of reconciliation, vessels through which the love of Christ brings hope and healing to a broken world.

In every endeavor, we strive to embody and extend the transformative power of restoration—inviting others to experience the freedom and grace found in Christ, thereby contributing to mending broken lives.

Restoration Care Ministries offers online resources that can help you restore and rewrite your story with God. You'll learn biblical principles, powerful tools to overcome sin and addiction, as well as strategies for lasting change. We know how hard it is to fight these battles alone - so we're here to walk alongside you in this journey of healing and restoration.

Join the Restoration Network

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Sign up to receive the latest updates about new courses, books, events, podcasts, and other services.

Restoration Care Ministries

1562 Old Hwy 99,

Columbia, TN 38401

Restoration Care Ministries

1562 Old Hwy 99,

Columbia, TN 38401

© 2024 Restoration Care Ministries. All Rights Reserved

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